Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An Intro. to a Resource-Based Economy [ TEDx - Peter Joseph ]

Glenn Greenwald: How the US Government Strikes Fear in Its Own Citizens and People Around the World

Glenn Greenwald: How the US Government Strikes Fear in Its Own Citizens and People Around the World Civil Liberties AlterNet

Although I didn't find those fears to be completely justifiable, in the sense that I thought those things would happen, I told people that I thought they ought to set those fears aside and donate money anyway, the fact that those fears existed; that that kind of climate of intimidation has been created in the U.S. when it comes to the most basic rights of association and free speech, which are the rights which are implicated by donating money to a political organization that you support; that that climate of fear and intimidation had been so great that people were self censoring and relinquishing their own rights was something that perhaps in the abstract I had known about in the past, but really illustrated to me just how pervasive that had become.